
COVID Impact as a Standalone Indemnity in M&A Transactions

Daniel R. Avery Daniel R. Avery from  Goulston & Storrs  on 

The COVID virus has ushered in unprecedented and challenging times for our country and the global community. From the deeply personal pain and suffering caused by the virus as a health pandemic to behavioral adjustments in the consumer population at large (“social distancing,” etc.), to every day, but very real, burdens created by business closures and shelter in place orders, the full force and impact of the virus on our society won’t be known for a long time. Apart from these personal and social consequences, of course, the economic downturn is very real and upon us.

COVID And M&A Earnouts

Daniel R. Avery Daniel R. Avery from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
The COVID-19 virus has ushered in unprecedented and challenging times for our country and our global community. Apart from these personal and social consequences, of course, the economic downturn is very real and upon us.

Round Table: Bankruptcy Measures: What To Do And When

Pragma International Pragma International from  Jean-Claude Coulon & Associés  on 
A round-table video with the participation of some of our Firms, that complements our Bankrupcty whitepaper.

Round Table: Bankruptcy Measures: What To Do And When

Pragma International Pragma International from  Les Juristes Associés du Centre  on 
A round-table video with the participation of some of our Firms, that complements our Bankrupcty whitepaper.

Round Table: Bankruptcy Measures: What To Do And When

Pragma International Pragma International from  Les Juristes Associés du Centre  on 
A round-table video with the participation of some of our Firms, that complements our Bankrupcty whitepaper.