
Socialist Party drops two-year residency requirement for Sephardic Portuguese Jews descendants

Filipe Consciência Filipe Consciência from  Caria Mendes Advogados  on 

It has just been made public that the legislative proposal to force Portuguese Sephardic Jewish descendants to live 2 years in Portugal in order to receive Portuguese citizenship is no longer going forward.​

Mr Modi’s Last Five Years in Office in India and How to Plan for the Future

Mandeep Johal Mandeep Johal from  Manubens Abogados  on 
India gets ready to vote in the world's largest democratic exercise, commencing last week, from 11 April to 19 May. The number of voters is bigger than the population of Europe and Australia combined.

Is the EU Being Put at Risk by Its Member States?

Mandeep Johal Mandeep Johal from  Manubens Abogados  on 
The European Commission published a Report that highlights the serious risk for Member States and the Union posed by the growing trend in investor citizenship, in exchange for financial investment.

What About USMCA?

Natalia Vera Natalia Vera Matiz from  Vera Abogados  on 
USMCA, bring with it, a special norm regarding the protection of copyright in Internet, that is in extremely similar to the system of notice and takedown of the DMCA of United States.

VAT Regime of the Detachment of the Workers

Maurizio Bottoni Maurizio Bottoni from  Interconsulting Studio Associato  on 
Detaching an employee is a temporary change in the employer’s job at another employer, according to the definition provided by law.