Enrique del Carril

Managing Partner at Del Carril, Colombres, Vayo & Zavalía Lagos Abogados

Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires - Argentina

Areas of Law


Born in Buenos Aires City, on April 19, 1947. He graduated in law at Universidad Católica Argentina (School of Law and Political Sciences), Buenos Aires, 1970. 

He is a member of Colegio Público de Abogados de la Capital Federal (Federal Capital Bar Association). He held the position of President of the Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires Bar Association) (2006-2010), having previously held the position of Director and Member of the Advisory Council of the Board of Directors. He was founding partner of FORES (Foro de Estudios sobre Administración de Justicia), member of its Executive Committee (1976 – 2004) and President (1995 – 2001).

He is currently president of the Justice Committee, Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires Bar Association).

He practiced law at Beccar Varela Law Firm and then became founding partner of Fornieles & del Carril Law Firm until its dissolution. He was also founding partner of del Carril, Colombres, Vayo & Zavalía Lagos Law Firm. 

He was Advisor of the Asociación de Fabricantes de Cemento Pórtland (Portland Cement Manufacturers) and member of the Labor Policy and Industrial Security Committee of Unión Industrial Argentina (Argentine Industrial Union)