
Personal Data Protection Law

Gustavo Cuevas Gustavo Cuevas from  Cuevas Abogados  on 

On August 27, Congress sent to the executive branch the Law that establishes a new framework for the treatment of Personal Data, modifying the current Law No. 19,628 on the protection of private life.

Sanctions & OFAC Strategies: Legal Challenges in the Financial Sector

Safak Herdem Safak Herdem from  Herdem Law  on 

In the complex landscape of global finance, sanctions have emerged as an essential tool for enforcing international law and maintaining geopolitical stability.

The Transport Sector Advances With Automated Recognition But Compliance Is Lost In Transit

Alex Dittel Alex Dittel from  KHQ Lawyers  on 

Automated recognition systems are a powerful tool in ensuring safety, fraud prevention and the well-being of passengers in Australia’s wider transport networks.

Commercial Real Estate Note Purchases: Lender’s Loss, Investor’s Gain

Jonathan Stein Jonathan Stein from  Goulston & Storrs  on 

More than two years have passed since the Federal Reserve seismically shifted its fiscal policy and began hiking interest rates.

Taiwan's Competition Compliance on Legal and Regulatory Framework

Hung Ou Yang Hung Ou Yang from  Brain Trust International Law Firm  on 

The Fair Trade Act and the Enforcement Rules of Fair Trade Act are two basic rules pertaining to various competitive behaviours in Taiwan. This field of law may be roughly divided into two parts: restraints of competition and unfair competition.
