
Digital Assets: Are You Prepared to Protect Them?

Kerry Spindler Kerry Spindler from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
A key component of a contemporary estate plan is one that is easy to overlook: a plan for handling your digital assets with financial or personal value in the event of your incapacity or death.

The Sandbagging Conundrum Explained

Allison Sherrier Allison Sherrier from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
There is perhaps no more consistently vexing problem for transactional attorneys on opposite sides than figuring out a fair contractual resolution for “sandbagging” issues. This makes the choice-of-law provision in transactional contracts extremely important.

2019 Holiday Season Retail Sales Wrap-Up

Timothy Watkins Timothy H. Watkins from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
The holidays are a hectic time for a lot of different reasons. This post will feature a summary of some key findings in the analysis of the 2019 holiday season done by Adobe Analytics.

Retail in Asia Conference 2019

Andrea Monni Andrea Monni from  Algebra Private Limited  on 
Organized by Texere Advisors and Algebra, the event brought together brands that have successfully expanded in Asia and experts from the Asian retail landscape, to share experiences, know-how, best practices, and outline the critical success factors of operating in Asia.

New Rules for Intra-EU Sales From 01 January 2020

Federico Rossi Federico Rossi from  Studio Rossi-Gerosa Commercialisti Associati  on 
With effect from January 1, 2020, sales between intra-EU companies will have new rules. In the context of intra-community operations, intra-community transfers are non-taxable transactions as VAT is applied to the system of "destined taxation" in the country of the EU country of destination of goods.