Barack Obama, Brazil, Football, Education and the Bill Pending in the Federal Senate, Which Creates the New Football System
Rodrigo Monteiro de Castro from monteiro de castro, setoguti advogados on
In his book "Dreams From My Father", the ex-president of the United States of America, Barack Obama, narrates a certain episode, which occurred in the 1980s, related to his role as organizer of social movements and actions.
Retail Evolution: Continuing to Think Outside of the Box
Melissa Rivers from Goulston & Storrs on
Retailers are bringing the store to the consumer and inventing new and creative ways to introduce customers to their brands and to increase sales.
Coronavirus and Intellectual Property
Natalia Vera Matiz from Vera Abogados on
The new virus known as “coronavirus” has cost the death of many people, and the infection of thousands. That is why the scientists are working on a new medicine in order to contained the devastating consequences of this mentioned virus.
Media Coverage Virus
Filipe Consciência from Caria Mendes Advogados on
How can an occasional virus, with a mortality lower than the common flu, that affects the world population every year, can stop the biggest world economies, devalue currencies, ruin international business and celebrations, cancel world conferences and, still, reduce by 25% the pollution?
Inversion of the Demographic Pyramid
Filipe Consciência from Caria Mendes Advogados on
Portugal is currently one of the most desired countries to apply for a second citizenship. This international demand for Portuguese citizenship, which has already resulted in the submission of thousands of citizenship requests through our office, has a very interesting effect on the Portuguese population.
Racism Tarnishing Portuguese Sport
Filipe Consciência from Caria Mendes Advogados on
At the international level, what happened to football player Marega of FC Porto is not an isolated case, but in the Portuguese national reality it was highlighted on enery newspaper front page and opening news, with the beginning of debates about racism and football supporters.
The Security that Pragma Offers
Filipe Consciência from Caria Mendes Advogados on
Since 2015 I work daily with individual international clients, having already a portfolio with several thousand clients from different countries in the world.
Man at the Center of the World for an Integral Economy
Gianluigi Longhi from Studio Longhi Associato on
Man has always considered himself at the center of the world with a vision of power and has always seen nature as functional to his well-being.
Hacker, Criminal or Whistleblower?
Filipe Consciência from Caria Mendes Advogados on
This has been the discussion of the last few days in Portugal. At stake is Rui Pinto, a 30 year old Portuguese hacker, who has been in detention for almost 1 year, awaiting trial, for illegally obtaining information that led to several lawsuits and consequent scandals.
Are Golden Visa in Portugal About to End?
Filipe Consciência from Caria Mendes Advogados on
It is well known that Portugal has one of the most attractive Golden Visa programs in Europe. Quite simply, 500 thousand euros are enough to invest in a property in Portugal and guarantee the residence permit in the country.
Let’s Get Innovative!
Melissa Rivers from Goulston & Storrs on
There continues to be a lot of discussion throughout the commercial real estate industry about competition from online retailers and the holes created by failing and downsizing businesses that have traditionally focused on brick and mortar stores.
Digital Assets: Are You Prepared to Protect Them?
Kerry Spindler from Goulston & Storrs on
A key component of a contemporary estate plan is one that is easy to overlook: a plan for handling your digital assets with financial or personal value in the event of your incapacity or death.
The Sandbagging Conundrum Explained
Allison Sherrier from Goulston & Storrs on
There is perhaps no more consistently vexing problem for transactional attorneys on opposite sides than figuring out a fair contractual resolution for “sandbagging” issues. This makes the choice-of-law provision in transactional contracts extremely important.
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