
Is AI A Real Danger To Our Profession? Considerations About AI Mistakes And Risk Of Lack Of Confidentiality

Filipe Consciência Filipe Consciência from  Caria Mendes Advogados  on 

When I started working with Artificial Intelligence (AI), and seeing its abilities, I became convinced that the future of our profession would be severely affected.

Respect Workers’ Privacy When Spying On Them. Haha. What?

Alex Dittel Alex Dittel from  KHQ Lawyers  on 

Employers continually collect data on their employees by way of monitoring computer activity, deploying on-site surveillance cameras, tracking workers’ devices, logging access and by other means.

Draft Australian Data Privacy Reform Released Or “Beggars Can’t Be Choosers”?

Alex Dittel Alex Dittel from  KHQ Lawyers  on 

12 September 2024 marks the end of almost one year of anticipation following the Government’s positive response to the privacy reform consultation last year.

Human Rights and New Technologies: The Legal and Ethical Impact of Digital Surveillance and Biometrics

Filipe Consciência Filipe Consciência from  Caria Mendes Advogados  on 

The rapid development and deployment of new technologies, such as biometric systems, artificial intelligence (AI), and digital surveillance, are revolutionizing many aspects of society.

Personal Data Protection Law

Gustavo Cuevas Gustavo Cuevas from  Cuevas Abogados  on 

On August 27, Congress sent to the executive branch the Law that establishes a new framework for the treatment of Personal Data, modifying the current Law No. 19,628 on the protection of private life.

The Transport Sector Advances With Automated Recognition But Compliance Is Lost In Transit

Alex Dittel Alex Dittel from  KHQ Lawyers  on 

Automated recognition systems are a powerful tool in ensuring safety, fraud prevention and the well-being of passengers in Australia’s wider transport networks.

The Amended “Snoopers’ Charter” Will Help Law Enforcement More Rapidly Identify Intelligence Insights From Vast Quantities Of Data

Alex Dittel Alex Dittel from  KHQ Lawyers  on 

UK law enforcement will get new powers regarding third party bulk personal data sets to make better use of machine learning and AI-powered investigatory techniques.

Data Privacy, A Human Right

Natalia Vera Natalia Vera Matiz from  Vera Abogados  on 
Private data is the new bargaining chip in the specific area of ​​the Internet. But what makes our private data so important?

Copyright for AI-generated Works - The "Machine" as Creator?

Heiko Luers Heiko Luers from  Patzina Lotz  on 
Rapid technological progress and digitalisation lead to the assumption that AI-generated works will not only increase, but also that the influence of humans on the creative process of a work, as required by the current legal situation, will diminish more and more.

A New Regulatory Framework on Personal Data Protection Comes on the Scene with New Obligations for Companies

Carlos Fábrega Carlos Fábrega from  Manubens Abogados  on 
This new regulatory framework for the protection of personal data significantly modifies the current regulatory framework in Spain (and also in Europe).  It introduces a set of new obligations to be fulfilled by companies.

Is your Business prepared for the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) due to come into effect on 25th May 2018?

Mandeep Johal Mandeep Johal from  Manubens Abogados  on 
The EU General Data Protection Regulation adopted in May 2016, becomes directly applicable in all EU member states without the need for local implementing legislation on May 25th, 2018. Is Your Business Ready?