
Boutique Retail Hotels: Introducing The New Meaning Of “In Room” Shopping

Melissa Rivers Melissa Rivers from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
In this ever changing world, retailers are continuing to invent new ways to highlight their products, provide customers with an interactive experience and to stay competitive.

Class Action Lawsuits on the Rise under New Jersey’s Consumer Protection Laws – Which Retailers Will Be Targeted Next?

Thuy-Dien Bui Thuy-Dien Bui from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
Does your retail business conduct sales online? For most retailers today, the answer is likely yes. This means that the recent surge of class action lawsuits against merchants merits your attention.

The Liability of the Directors of Government-held Companies Under Italian Law

Marco Catalano Marco Catalano from  Studio Irrera  on 
The jurisdiction over liability actions of directors of Government-held Companies was one of the most debated in Italy, being not clear if they are subject to the ordinary or to the Court of auditors jurisdiction.

Supreme Court Says ‘Give Me a ©’ to the Fashion Industry

Andrew O'Connor Andrew O'Connor from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
A recent U.S. Supreme Court copyright decision analyzing cheerleader uniforms may have a profound impact on retailers, and on the fashion industry in particular.

End Of An Era Or Simply a Moment In Time?

Matthew E. Epstein Matthew E. Epstein from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
What conclusions can we draw from the increasing vacancy rates in prime NYC retail real estate? Something we’ve seen many times before, only to be followed by the climb in rents to stratospheric levels?

The MIPIM 2017 Experience

Mandeep Johal Mandeep Johal from  Manubens Abogados  on 
Manubens Lawyers had a successful 3 days this year at MIPIM, the world’s leading property market. Every year, international property players descend to MIPIM to engage with professionals from the real estate world.

Copyright Compliance: (Re-)Register Your DMCA Agent in 2017 to Keep Your Website Docked in the Safe Harbor

Thuy-Dien Bui Thuy-Dien Bui from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) “safe harbor” provisions shield certain online service providers from copyright infringement liability arising from content posted by users on their website.

The Ascendency of Accessibility: Surge in Website Lawsuits Continues

Matthew P. Horvitz Matthew P. Horvitz from  Goulston & Storrs  on 

The proliferation of accessibility lawsuits under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has not abated. In fact, ADA-related litigation increased by 37% from 2015 to 2016.

Amazon Go: Let’s Get (More) Physical

Vanessa Moody Vanessa Moody from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
Among the latest e-tail trends is the expansion of online retail operations into physical store locations. Amazon is paying attention and its confidence in the staying power of brick and mortar shops is evidenced by Amazon Go.

The Modification of the Tax on Large Commercial Establishments

Eva Pich Eva Pich from  Manubens Abogados  on 
In order to overcome the objections raised by the European Commission, the Catalan Government is pushing for a modification of this tax figure in the Law on Measures Fiscal, administrative, financial and public sector.

The MAPIC experience

Mandeep Johal Mandeep Johal from  Manubens Abogados  on 

Manubens Abogados participated in MAPIC, one of the largest European fairs in the international Real Estate market.  Mapic was attended by almost three thousand five hundred companies and over nine thousand participants participated in this edition.

The Supreme Court Opens the Possibility to Establish Large Commercial Areas Outside the Consolidated Urban Network

Carlos Fábrega Carlos Fábrega from  Manubens Abogados  on 

Recently, a Supreme Court Judgment of June 21, 2016 has been published, which can have a great impact and impact in the field of the management of commercial facilities in Catalonia.

The controversy originates with the approval of a modification of the consolidated urban network (TUC, hereinafter referred to as Mataró) (approved in March 2011), which left the MATARÓ PARK Shopping Center outside the TUC, making it impossible to extend it Of article 9.4 of Decree-law 1/2009 on the Management of Commercial Equipment -Decree-law 1/2009, hereinafter-).
