A Trademark Two-Fer: Trademark Office Metrics; Take-Aways And Tips For Trademark Practitioners

The Patent and Trademark Office in the United States has been around in one incarnation or another since July 4, 1836. For most of that time, the office was situated in Washington, D.C.
Compliance And Legal Risk Prevention

Since 2009, Chilean criminal legislation establishes the criminal liability of legal entities for certain crimes committed by natural persons (for example, bribery of a public official to obtain a permit for the legal entity).
What Should You Do When You Are Accused of Sexual Harassment in Taiwan?

Marriage Under South African Law

Three types of marriages are recognized under South African law. The solemnization and registration of these marriages are managed by the Department of Home Affairs. They may be same sex marriages.
But Is It Still Worth Moving To Italy To Work? Yes!

Legislative Insight: Exclusive Webinar on Legislative Decree 24/2023

Starting from December 17, 2023, numerous medium-sized enterprises, employing at least 50 workers or operating in "sensitive sectors," will be called upon to establish internal channels for reporting national and European regulatory violations, in compliance with Legislative Decree 24/2023, the implementing act of Directive 2019/1937.
Has Your Sports Food Become A Therapeutic Good Overnight?

An order made under section 7 of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 has come into force, the effect of which is to now automatically classify any “sport supplement” product in tablet, pill or capsule form as a therapeutic good (i.e. medicine), and no longer food.
What Is The UBO-Register?

Following the publication of the decrees implementing the Ministerial Decree, the register of the beneficial owners in Italy has finally become operational, and it obliges entities operating in Italy to report data and information concerning their beneficial ownership.
I Want My Door Handles Back: A Salutary Lesson In Shareholder Disputes…

Shareholder disputes can often best be viewed as corporate divorce. Two (or more) parties who have often spent much time together over varying seasons of the life of a business trying to build something, come to a point where there’s a falling out.
Is Non-Competition Clause Enforceable in Taiwan?

One of the most concerned issues for both employers and employees is whether the non-competition clause provided in the employment contract can be enforced when the employment relationship comes to an end.
Why the UK?

The UK is continuously looking to attract the brightest talent from South Africa. Such talent does not necessarily mean entrepreneurs. The United Kingdom is looking for artisans, teachers, doctors, nurses, people from constructions and from all other walks of life. The message has been clear, the United Kingdom is open for business!
Tax Advantages for Investors in Italian Start-Ups

Innovative start-ups are a key component of the modern economy, as they foster innovation, stimulate economic growth and generate new job opportunities. To support and promote the development of these companies, Italy has introduced tax incentives for investors who decide to finance this type of company.
Use of Audio or Video Recordings as Evidence in Family Law and Family Violence Matters

Significant advances in technology has resulted in a shift in the types of evidence relied upon by family law litigants. When it comes to recordings, whether audio or video, it is no longer a matter of black or white, or one version of events against the other.