Will the Nationality Law for Sephardic Jews End?

Last week, a draft law, not yet discussed in the Portuguese Parliament, went public by dropping a bomb on Portuguese legislation that, since 2015, allows descendants of Portuguese Sephardic Jews to obtain Portuguese nationality.

This draft law determines that, from 2022, it will be mandatory for the interested party to live in Portugal for two years for the process to be approved.

This news immediately spread throughout the world, giving rise to chain reactions against this draft, both from renowned institutions and from the biggest national and even international entities.

If the main objective of the law was to remake history and apologize for what was done during the Inquisition in Portugal, looks like this draft ignores the entire purpose of the law.

However, and answering the initial question, this does not determine that the law will end. Nor does this draft mean that any legislative changes will be passed.

It is essential to relativize the situation and clarify that this is nothing more than a preliminary draft, not yet discussed, and already publicly with huge objection, so even if it is approved in this way, not only does not determine the end of the law, but the change will only be reflected from 2022.

In this way, we can continue to receive and deliver nationality application processes as we have been doing since the law was enacted. Without any current changes.

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Filipe Consciência Filipe Consciência

Born in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1984, Filipe Consciência did his entire education in Lisbon, entering with 17 years at the Law Faculty of Lisbon University.

Lisbon - Portugal

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