
Daniel Alves is a phenomenon

Rodrigo Monteiro de Castro Rodrigo Monteiro de Castro from  monteiro de castro, setoguti advogados  on 

Daniel Alves is a phenomenon.<

Is There a Duty to Support the Damages Suffered as a Result of Managing the Pandemic?

Eva Pich Eva Pich from  Manubens Abogados  on 

There is no doubt that the management, by public authorities, of the health crisis has caused innumerable damages to the shopping center sector (both owners and tenants). These damages began with the approval of RD 463/2020, declaring the state of alarm, which forced the closure of all establishments located in shopping centers, except those aimed at the commercialization of essential goods. This measure caused damages, both to the owners of the shops, as well as to the owners of the shopping centers, who experienced a significant reduction in rents while assuming the same costs t

Governmental Funding of Social Enterprises

Marc-Vincent Spanjersberg Marc-Vincent Spanjersberg from  Bos van der Burg Advocaten  on 

Local governments can fund social enterprises. The regulations on funding social enterprises are not crystal clear. This paper discusses the role of local governments in funding social enterprises, and the type of social enterprises that can be funded.

This article is only available in Dutch

The Social Enterprise: A True Catdog

Marc-Vincent Spanjersberg Marc-Vincent Spanjersberg from  Bos van der Burg Advocaten  on 

These days, most enterprises have a policy for corporate social responsibility. Some, called social enterprises, even exist to solve a social issue. In the Netherlands, these social enterprises do not have their own legal form. This paper discusses the necessity for legislation.

This article is only available in Dutch

The Role of Society and Press in Facing the Disintegration of Brazilian Football

Rodrigo Monteiro de Castro Rodrigo Monteiro de Castro from  monteiro de castro, setoguti advogados  on 

The structure of football could have already changed if a small part of the time dedicated to the treatment of impediments and controversial pitches in the field was attributed to the debate, by the mainstream media, in a way recurrent and insistent theme of property, governance and control of football activity.

Five Takeaways from the BBA Webinar on the State of Retail and Hospitality During COVID

Vanessa Moody Vanessa Moody from  Goulston & Storrs  on 

On November 13th, the Boston Bar Association hosted Uncharted Territory: Challenges Facing Retail, Hospitality Sectors and their Landlords.

The New Name, Image and Likeness Playing Field for Colleges and Universities: What You Need to Know

Karin Rivard Karin K. Rivard from  Goulston & Storrs  on 

Prior to 2015, student athletes were not permitted by NCAA rules to exploit commercially their name, image and likeness (“NIL”).  However, the decision that year in O’Bannon v. National Collegiate Athletic Ass’n, changed the landscape for student athletes and third parties. 

ICSC Law Conference 2020 – 50th Anniversary Edition

Melissa Rivers Melissa Rivers from  Goulston & Storrs  on 

This year, the ICSC Law Conference on October 14-16 celebrated its 50th Anniversary. The planned pomp and circumstance were eliminated due to COVID-19, but the conference was still held using a virtual platform. While less than typical in-person attendance, there was still an impressive number of attendees, reaching 850!

Data Privacy, A Human Right

Natalia Vera Natalia Vera Matiz from  Vera Abogados  on 
Private data is the new bargaining chip in the specific area of ​​the Internet. But what makes our private data so important?

The Effects of Electronic Notifications in the Absence of Prior Notice by e-mail

Salvador Balcells i Iranzo Salvador Balcells i Iranzo from  Manubens Abogados  on 

As is well known, the AEAT has its own notification regime in its relations with the companies that is developed through the so-called authorized electronic address (DEH). The mandatory electronic notification system (NEO) consists precisely in the exclusive use for the tax administration of the electronic means to make communications to certain taxpayers in a necessary way, and to others (especially non-business or professional individuals) who voluntarily request it if they wish so. Simultaneously, the DEH allows taxpayers to interact electronically with the Administration.

Copyright for AI-generated Works - The "Machine" as Creator?

Heiko Luers Heiko Luers from  Patzina Lotz  on 
Rapid technological progress and digitalisation lead to the assumption that AI-generated works will not only increase, but also that the influence of humans on the creative process of a work, as required by the current legal situation, will diminish more and more.

Recruitment, Revenue and Risks: Navigating Intercollegiate Esports

Jesse Rubinstein Jesse Rubinstein from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
Competitive gaming or esports has rapidly found its own place in the sports and entertainment landscape in recent years. By some estimates the esports industry will by 2022 have 300 million viewers and be on par with NFL viewership.

Summary of the Main Tax Measures Contained in the General Budget Law Draft of the State for the Year 2021

Salvador Balcells i Iranzo Salvador Balcells i Iranzo from  Manubens Abogados  on 
We summarize the main tax measures modifications appeared in the draft of the General Budget Law of Spain in 2021.