
After Mortgage Floor Clauses and Mortgage Expenses ... Now Comes the Increase in the Value of Urban Land

Salvador Balcells i Iranzo Salvador Balcells i Iranzo from  Manubens Abogados  on 
The constitutionality of the Tax on the Increase of the Value of Urban Land has been called into question for several years now. Many of these lawsuits will depend on the decision of the Constitutional Court.

ICSC Mid-Atlantic Conference & Deal Making Recap

David A Lewis David A. Lewis from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
The conference was very well attended, and the mood among attendees and presenters was generally upbeat. Anecdotally, the sentiment seemed to be that for, retail real estate in this region, the sun is still shining—for the moment.

Tax Advantages for Researchers and Lecturers Who Comes to Italy

Maurizio Bottoni Maurizio Bottoni from  Interconsulting Studio Associato  on 
Italian Parliament has recently improved the special tax advantages in favor of researchers and lecturers in order to encourage the scientific and technological development in Italy.

Analysis of the New Tax on Non-Productive Assets of Legal Persons

Noemí López Noemí López from  Manubens Abogados  on 
Recently, the group "Juntos por el Sí" and "CUP" have presented to the Catalan Parliament a proposal for a Law on the new "Tax on the non-productive assets of legal entities" which the Parliamentary Bureau has admitted to processing.

Cross-Border Successions

Maurizio Bottoni Maurizio Bottoni from  Interconsulting Studio Associato  on 
The growing phenomenon of migrations of citizens in and out the EU’s borders has brought as a consequence some significant issues about cross-border successions.

News about the Postponement and Division of Debts

Juan José Olle Aguilar Juan José Olle Aguilar from  Manubens Abogados  on 
We analyze the most important aspects of the referenced regulation to comment on how to apply for deferrals and splits.

Comments on the New System for the Immediate Supply of VAT Information (SII)

Salvador Balcells i Iranzo Salvador Balcells i Iranzo from  Manubens Abogados  on 
On July 1, 2017, the Immediate Information Delivery System (SII) will enter into force. This basically consists of the electronic sending of information relating to invoices issued and invoices received.

Analysis of Royal Decree-Law 1/2017, of Urgent Measures of Consumer Protection in Terms of Soil Clauses

Salvador Balcells i Iranzo Salvador Balcells i Iranzo from  Manubens Abogados  on 
The Royal Decree-Law 1/2017, was published in the BOE of urgent measures of consumer protection in terms of land clauses, which regulates the extrajudicial channel to solve the claims of the consumers derived from the last judicial judgments and the tax consequences of the same.

Upscale Food Halls—On Trend and On The Rise

George Evans George W. Evans from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
The growth of high-end food halls is taking off around the country. These upscale food halls are modeled more after famous European markets like Barcelona’s Mercado de la Boqueria than after airport or suburban mall food courts.

Special Tax Regime on Foreign Income for New Residents in Italy

Maurizio Bottoni Maurizio Bottoni from  Interconsulting Studio Associato  on 
A special tax regime has just been introduced in Italy, effective from January 1, 2017, in favor of high net worth individuals who decide to move to Italy. The new resident will be entitled to ask for the application of the ordinary tax regime.

Amazon Go: Let’s Get (More) Physical

Vanessa Moody Vanessa Moody from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
Among the latest e-tail trends is the expansion of online retail operations into physical store locations. Amazon is paying attention and its confidence in the staying power of brick and mortar shops is evidenced by Amazon Go.

The Modification of the Tax on Large Commercial Establishments

Eva Pich Eva Pich from  Manubens Abogados  on 
In order to overcome the objections raised by the European Commission, the Catalan Government is pushing for a modification of this tax figure in the Law on Measures Fiscal, administrative, financial and public sector.

The Mandatory Reversal of Portfolio Impairment Losses and Possible Solutions

Salvador Balcells i Iranzo Salvador Balcells i Iranzo from  Manubens Abogados  on 

It was also regulated by a transitional provision when the reversion should occur: basically and simplifying, when the value of equity of the investee at year-end exceeded the value of equity at the beginning. With RDL 3/2016, a new reversal was introduced, which in essence constitutes a minimum annual reversal amount.
