
COVID And M&A Earnouts

Daniel R. Avery Daniel R. Avery from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
The COVID-19 virus has ushered in unprecedented and challenging times for our country and our global community. Apart from these personal and social consequences, of course, the economic downturn is very real and upon us.

Taxpayers Who Took Required Minimum Distributions in 2020 May Be Able to Return Them To A Retirement Account

Matthew Hillery Matthew Hillery from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
The IRS recently released Notice 2020-51, which provides further taxpayer-friendly guidance for the treatment of required minimum distributions paid from retirement accounts in 2020. 

Avoiding Coronavirus Discrimination Claims in Retail and Hospitality

Matthew P. Horvitz Matthew P. Horvitz from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
As the retail and hospitality industries reopen and expand operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, an important component of those plans is the potential issues affecting persons with disabilities.

Legislative Amendment to the Portuguese Nationality Law

Adam Yadid Adam Yadid from  Yadid Law  on 

A working group of the Portuguese Socialist Party (PS) decided to draft a legislative amendment to the Portuguese Nationality Law. This will be done by adding a requirement for a mandatory legal residence in Portugal for a period of 2 years for all descendants of Portuguese Sephardic Jews.

Considering Lease Concessions In The Face Of A Tenant Bankruptcy

Douglas Rosner Douglas Rosner from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
Landlords are receiving a deluge of requests to provide rent relief to commercial tenants whose operations have either been closed or substantially restricted as a result of state and local governments’ COVID-19 stay-at-home orders and related restrictions.