
Analysis of the New Tax on Non-Productive Assets of Legal Persons

Noemí López Noemí López from  Manubens Abogados  on 
Recently, the group "Juntos por el Sí" and "CUP" have presented to the Catalan Parliament a proposal for a Law on the new "Tax on the non-productive assets of legal entities" which the Parliamentary Bureau has admitted to processing.

Upscale Food Halls—On Trend and On The Rise

George Evans George W. Evans from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
The growth of high-end food halls is taking off around the country. These upscale food halls are modeled more after famous European markets like Barcelona’s Mercado de la Boqueria than after airport or suburban mall food courts.

The Mandatory Reversal of Portfolio Impairment Losses and Possible Solutions

Salvador Balcells i Iranzo Salvador Balcells i Iranzo from  Manubens Abogados  on 

It was also regulated by a transitional provision when the reversion should occur: basically and simplifying, when the value of equity of the investee at year-end exceeded the value of equity at the beginning. With RDL 3/2016, a new reversal was introduced, which in essence constitutes a minimum annual reversal amount.
