Shareholders Disputes Whitepaper

Disputes between shareholders and corporate bodies (management board, supervisory board, advisory board) are on the increase. The factors that determine the course and the end of the dispute are very multi-layered and complex.
Shareholders Disputes Whitepaper

Disputes between shareholders and corporate bodies (management board, supervisory board, advisory board) are on the increase. The factors that determine the course and the end of the dispute are very multi-layered and complex.
Shareholders Disputes Whitepaper

Disputes between shareholders and corporate bodies (management board, supervisory board, advisory board) are on the increase. The factors that determine the course and the end of the dispute are very multi-layered and complex.
Shareholders Disputes Whitepaper

Disputes between shareholders and corporate bodies (management board, supervisory board, advisory board) are on the increase. The factors that determine the course and the end of the dispute are very multi-layered and complex.
Shareholders Disputes Whitepaper

Disputes between shareholders and corporate bodies (management board, supervisory board, advisory board) are on the increase. The factors that determine the course and the end of the dispute are very multi-layered and complex.
Shareholders Disputes Whitepaper

Disputes between shareholders and corporate bodies (management board, supervisory board, advisory board) are on the increase. The factors that determine the course and the end of the dispute are very multi-layered and complex.
Shareholders Disputes Whitepaper

Disputes between shareholders and corporate bodies (management board, supervisory board, advisory board) are on the increase. The factors that determine the course and the end of the dispute are very multi-layered and complex.
Residence Permit for Foreigners within Portugal and the Schengen Area: Alternatives to the End of Golden Visa

Golden Visa, also known as Residence Permit for Investment Activity in Portugal, consists of a government programme which enables the award of a residence permit in Portugal for 5 years, for foreign citizens.
Recordings of Company Interviews in Order to Pre-Establish Documentary Evidence. The Yes of the Supreme Court Closes the Debate (Abstract of an article published on Norme & Tributi Plus of October 2022)

In a recent sentence of the Supreme Court, complex under many aspects, the judgment of the appealed Court of Appeal had deemed inadmissible the use in court of the recording of telephone conversations between a worker and her direct superior
Declaration of a Single Employer and Infringement of the Company's Freedom of Contract

At the beginning of March 2022, and in a divided decision, the Constitutional Court declared the unenforceability for unconstitutionality of part of Article 3 of the Labor Code (case No. 11124-21). The latter provision regulates the conditions under which two or more companies may be considered as a single employer for labor and social security purposes, the key element being the existence of a common work management.
The SALI Alliance Releases Second Major Version of the Legal Matter Specification Standard

This new version represents an important milestone for the industry just over two years after the issuance of the well-received LMSS 1.0. The taxonomy has expanded to almost 10,000 categories that the legal market uses to describe its services in detail, and in a way that is comparable across organizations.
The SALI Alliance Releases Second Major Version of the Legal Matter Specification Standard

This new version represents an important milestone for the industry just over two years after the issuance of the well-received LMSS 1.0. The taxonomy has expanded to almost 10,000 categories that the legal market uses to describe its services in detail, and in a way that is comparable across organizations.
The SALI Alliance Releases Second Major Version of the Legal Matter Specification Standard

This new version represents an important milestone for the industry just over two years after the issuance of the well-received LMSS 1.0. The taxonomy has expanded to almost 10,000 categories that the legal market uses to describe its services in detail, and in a way that is comparable across organizations.