Daily News of 29-10-2024

$4b later: the MinRes board’s big mistake

The board of Mineral Resources knew about Chris Ellison’s tax scheme in June 2022. But despite launching an investigation, it told shareholders nothing. The Australian Financial Review

COVID-19 inquiry finds vaccine ‘strollout’ cost lives

The first wide-ranging inquiry into the pandemic response said vaccine delays delivered a $31 billion hit to the economy. Sydney Morning Herald

Le thon en conserve largement contaminé au mercure en Europe ? Des ONG tirent la sonnette d'alarme

Face à ce qu'elles qualifient de «véritable scandale de santé publique», les ONG Bloom et Foodwatch demandent à la grande distribution des «mesures d'urgence». Le Figaro

Mercure dans le thon : l’association Bloom dénonce un « scandale sanitaire » et une réglementation trop laxiste

L’ONG a analysé un échantillon de 150 conserves issues de quinze supermarchés européens : une boîte sur dix testées présente des valeurs de mercure supérieures aux limites autorisées dan... Le Monde

Klimawandel: So bereitet sich Deutschlands Industrie auf eine heißere Welt vor

Klimawandel: So bereitet sich Deutschlands Industrie auf eine heißere Welt vor Handelsblatt

Warnstreiks: Massive Aktionen für höhere Löhne

Beschäftigte der Metallbranche bestreiken deutschlandweit Hunderte Betriebe, um mehr Geld für vier Millionen Arbeitnehmer durchzusetzen. Süddeutsche Zeitung

Instagram degrades quality of unpopular videos on the platform

This announcement has raised concerns among creators who fear the policy could limit their audience reach. The Jerusalem Post

At least 55 killed, dozens missing in Israeli strike in north Gaza, medical officials say

IRAN: Iran's President Said Tehran Doesn't Want War, but Will Respond 'Appropriately' to Israel's Attack GAZA: IDF Raids Hamas Stronghold at Kamal Adwan Hospital, Jabalya; 50,000 Palestinians Evacuate... Haaretz

Singapore’s total employment growth more than doubles in Q3, retrenchments dip

SINGAPORE’S total employment increased by 24,100 in the third quarter, more than double the growth in the previous quarter, the Ministry of Manpower’s (MOM) labour market advance release showed on... The Business Time

Founder of TikTok owner ByteDance jumps to top of China's rich list

The number of billionaires on China's rich list dropped by 142 to 753k The Straits Times

Capital Energy hace un duro ajuste y dispara las alarmas en renovables

Capital Energy, una de las empresas más emblemáticas del boom de las renovables de los últimos años, está viviendo momentos difíciles. Según ha podido saber EXPANSIÓN, y... Expansión

La falta de apoyos hace inevitable el fracaso de la jornada de 37,5 horas en el Congreso

La reducción de la jornada laboral a 37,5 horas semanales, el gran proyecto que la vicepresidenta segunda, Yolanda Díaz, se había propuesto impulsar esta legislatura, naufraga ante la falta de acue... El Economista

United Kindom
China and Russia are already playing the new Great Game

Victory for the Taliban is redrawing the strategic map in central Asia. The West risks being left behind by its rivals, writes Catherine Philp

 The Times

NHS will need more tax rises, ministers admit

Chancellor says billions more for health service will not undo ‘14 years of damage’ under Tories The Telegraph

Lower shop prices boost prospect of Bank of England rate cut

British Retail Consortium says prices falling at fastest rate in three years and are 0.8% lower than a year ago The Guardian

United States
How Russia, China and Iran Are Interfering in the Presidential Election

Eight years after Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election, foreign influence with American voters has grown more sophisticated. That could have outsize consequences in the 2024 race. The New York Times

Dreading the Constable’s Knock in Phoenix, an Eviction Capital

Dreading the Constable’s Knock in Phoenix, an Eviction Capital  The Wall Street Journal