The Public Administration industry group consists of establishments of federal, state, and local government agencies that administer, oversee, and manage public programs and have executive, legislative, or judicial authority over other institutions within a given area. These agencies also set policy, create laws, adjudicate civil and criminal legal cases, provide for public safety and for national defense.

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Covid-19 Information On The Measures And Activities Of The Authorities In Bosnia And Herzegovina

In the Republic of Srpska, on 16 March, the Government issued a Decision declaring a state of emergency. A day later, at the proposal of the Ministry of Security, the BIH Council of Ministers issued a Decision declaring the state of natural or other disasters in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Red Zone Italy

The Italian Prime Minister, on March 9, 2020, declared the entire Italian territory a "red zone". In a nutshell, with this decision, the Italian government has requested everyone to stay in their homes, until April 3, 2020.

First Gay Marriages of Foreign Clients in Portugal

It was with great satisfaction that Caria Mendes Advogados helped to celebrate gay marriages of foreign clients in Portugal.

Unfortunately, not all countries in the world accept same-sex marriages (or even relationships). However, some of them accept the transcription of weddings celebrated in a foreign country.

Making use of a gap in the law, we were able to help foreign gay couples who came to marry in Portugal and, thus, see their relationship finally recognized in the country of origin, obtaining previously unreachable rights.