Industries in the Textile and Apparel industry group include establishments that make textile products. With a few exceptions, processes used in these industries are generally cut and sew (i.e., purchasing fabric and cutting and sewing to make non-apparel textile products, such as sheets and towels) The industry group includes a diverse range of establishments manufacturing full lines of ready-to-wear apparel and custom apparel: apparel contractors, performing cutting or sewing operations on materials owned by others; jobbers performing entrepreneurial functions involved in apparel manufacture; and tailors, manufacturing custom garments for individual clients are all included. It also includes leather and manufacture.

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Industry Code Full

On the 10th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Subsidiary Hung Yen Knitting & Dyeing Co. Ltd

On the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the subsidiary Hung Yen Knitting & Dyeing Co., Ltd., the Chairman of the Board of Directors, avv. Laura Colnaghi Calissoni, together with the other members of the Board, the General Manager and the consultants of the controlling company Carvico S.p.A, visited the Vietnamese production facility.