But Is It Still Worth Moving To Italy To Work? Yes!

There is a growing number of companies attracting highly qualified personnel to Italy, thanks to incentives for expatriate workers, creating a win/win strategy for both employers and employees. But is it still worthwhile to move to Italy for work? Yes, even though the benefits will be lower compared to those expected in the last four years. Some changes being introduced through the tax reform will modify the incentives for expatriate workers under Article 16 of Legislative Decree 147/2015.

Those who decide to relocate their residence to Italy in 2024 will have the opportunity to benefit from a 50% reduction in income tax. However, they can access this benefit only if more stringent requirements than in the past are met. To qualify for the measure, individuals must have a very high qualification or a particular specialization.

An analysis of the current legislation, according to the drafts of the soon-to-be-approved reform, will apply to all cases of transferring residency to Italy by December 31, 2023. This includes attention to some clarifications made in recent years and the latest jurisprudential developments. A preliminary assessment of what the changes might be for individuals returning to Italy after January 1, 2024.

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Federico Rossi Federico Rossi

Federico Rossi has been focused on tax and administrative matters mainly about commercial companies, automotive, real estate and metal processing clients, Mr. Rossi has also focused in individual repatriation fiscal benefit.

Lecco - Italy

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