Decision on the Environmental Pollution Unit Charge for Motor Vehicles

The Decision on the environmental pollution unit charge for motor vehicles published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska, number 116, dated December 18, 2018, and entered into force on January 1, 2019.

This decision establishes a new obligation related to the environmental pollution caused by motor vehicles and the same has to be paid once a year when registering a vehicle in accordance with the Law on Air Protection. The Decision prescribes coefficients and methods of payment for certain types of vehicles, and the calculation of the charge for the motor vehicle will be made on the basis of the vehicle data and the payer registered in the vehicle document issued in accordance with the special regulation regulating the vehicle registration.

This Decision determines a unit charge for certain types of vehicles and the final amount of the same depends on the correction coefficients combined with the unit charge, depending on the type of vehicle, type of fuel, engine specifications, vehicle emission class, whereby owners of older vehicles have to pay a higher charge. The amount of the charge, depending on the above-mentioned factors, can range from 5 to 10-25 BAM or even 50 BAM in the case of older trucks. The exception is that this charge will not be paid for old-timers.

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Milica Karadza Milica Karadza

Milica Karadza is an Associate employed by the Law Firm SAJIC since 2014. Milica graduated from the University of Banja Luka School of Law in 2012.

Banja Luka - Bosnia & Herzegovina

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