Possible New Amendment To The Portuguese Nationality Law On The Way

Despite the rumors of increased difficulty in the Portuguese nationality processes, the newly approved changes indicate the opposite.

The amendments to the Law, initially voted in August by the Portuguese President, were approved last Friday by the Portuguese Parliament.

If, previously, it was very difficult, or even impossible, for a Portuguese spouse to obtain Portuguese nationality if he or she had no Portuguese children, now this discrimination has ended.

Now, couples with or without children have the same rules and conditions of access to Portuguese nationality.

Because now, for a spouse to obtain Portuguese nationality, it is enough that he has been married for at least six years to a person of Portuguese nationality, or even earlier, if the couple already has children of Portuguese nationality.

This Friday's amendments approval eliminated precisely this issue of having a child or not.

With these changes, both the grandchildren and the spouses of Portuguese now have objective criteria for the attribution of nationality and no longer have the need to “prove their connection to the Portuguese community”, as predicted in the previous version of the law, which was very difficult to prove.

The law, already amended by parliament, will now be send to the Portuguese President for a decision, which is expected to be favorable this time.

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Filipe Consciência Filipe Consciência

Jurist since 2018 at Caria Mendes Law Office, book writer, marathon runner and gastronomic critic and judge.

Lisbon - Portugal

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