Rebus Sic Stantibus Whitepaper
Legal Area: Commercial and Trade Law , Real Property Law
With the collaboration of our Firms, we have summarized the status and different options regarding Rebus Sic Stantibus.
This document gives specific answers to:
- Which are the requirements for the correct application of the Rebus Sic Stantibus principle in your country?
- What is the difference or relationship between Rebus Sic Stantibus and Pacta Sunt Servanda?
- Which are the main solutions or remedies that the legal system provides to mitigate the economic effects on leases?
- Which are the main steps to modify leases right now?
- What is your advice to landlords and tenants who are concerned about the long-term economic forecast?
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Pragma is an international network of law firms established in January 2001.
Brussels - Belgium
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