Update Of LD Infringement Typif

On August 1, 2024, the Labor Directorate updated its classification of infractions, which indicates the fines associated with non-compliance with labor regulations. This update incorporated the infractions to Law 21,643 that modifies the Labor Code and other legal bodies regarding the prevention, investigation and punishment of workplace harassment, sexual harassment or violence at work (Karin Law). Among other infractions subject to fines, the following are contemplated:

  • Failing to make available to workers a protocol for the prevention of sexual harassment, workplace harassment and violence at work.
  • Failing to incorporate into the protocol for the prevention of sexual harassment, workplace harassment and violence at work the minimum provisions established by law.
  • Failing to provide a copy of the report of sexual harassment, workplace harassment and/or violence at work, if it is verbal.
  • Failing to immediately adopt the necessary protective measures.
  • Failure to complete the internal investigation into sexual harassment, workplace harassment and/or workplace violence within thirty days.

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