
Coronavirus and Intellectual Property

Natalia Vera Natalia Vera Matiz from  Vera Abogados  on 
The new virus known as “coronavirus” has cost the death of many people, and the infection of thousands. That is why the scientists are working on a new medicine in order to contained the devastating consequences of this mentioned virus.

Media Coverage Virus

Filipe Consciência Filipe Consciência from  Caria Mendes Advogados  on 
How can an occasional virus, with a mortality lower than the common flu, that affects the world population every year, can stop the biggest world economies, devalue currencies, ruin international business and celebrations, cancel world conferences and, still, reduce by 25% the pollution?

Inversion of the Demographic Pyramid

Filipe Consciência Filipe Consciência from  Caria Mendes Advogados  on 
Portugal is currently one of the most desired countries to apply for a second citizenship. This international demand for Portuguese citizenship, which has already resulted in the submission of thousands of citizenship requests through our office, has a very interesting effect on the Portuguese population.

Racism Tarnishing Portuguese Sport

Filipe Consciência Filipe Consciência from  Caria Mendes Advogados  on 
At the international level, what happened to football player Marega of FC Porto is not an isolated case, but in the Portuguese national reality it was highlighted on enery newspaper front page and opening news, with the beginning of debates about racism and football supporters.

Not Playing By The Rules As An Employer In The Netherlands: The Ryanair Case

Maracel Smit Marcel Smit from  Bos van der Burg Advocaten  on 
In The Netherlands, employers are obliged to act as a ‘good employer’. Since 2015, the legislator has also translated this requirement of being a good employer into the legislation governing the dismissal of the employee.