
New Massachusetts Trade Secret Laws Effective October 1, 2018

Andrew O'Connor Andrew O'Connor from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
The retail industry closely guards customer and distribution lists. In many cases, these valuable assets are not protected by patent, trademark or copyright law. 

New Rules for Transfer Pricing Tax Audit

Maurizio Bottoni Maurizio Bottoni from  Interconsulting Studio Associato  on 
The Italian Government reviewed the rules on TP and provided that in cases of a TP adjustment made abroad by a foreign country, the Italian company involved in the audited transactions can ask to the Italian Tax Authorities to reduce its taxable income.

In Italy as from 01 January 2019 Electronic Invoices Only

Federico Rossi Federico Rossi from  Studio Rossi-Gerosa Commercialisti Associati  on 
The Budget Law 2018 established that, starting from 1 January 2019, for the sale of goods and services rendered between residents, established or identified in Italy (and for the relative variations), only e-invoices are issued.

Portugal Is the Best Country in Europe for a Foreigner to Live

Filipe Consciência Filipe Consciência from  Caria Mendes Advogados  on 
Everybody loves Portugal. Or so it seems. We have to go back in time to the golden Era of Discoveries (in which we owned half the world) to find a time when there are so many people in the world talking about Portugal...

Down But Not Out: Using Showrooms to Revamp Brick and Mortar Retail

Casey Milianta Casey Milianta from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
Recent trends suggest that consumers and retailers alike are not prepared to give up on brick and mortar stores, but that they are looking for more creative alternatives to the traditional arrangement.