
Fast Track Procedures and Virtual Protocols

Pragma International Pragma International from  Les Juristes Associés du Centre  on 
Modern life and commerce transactions need fast resolutions for their disputes, and the pandemic situation needs virtual hearings. The conference addresses fast-track arbitration, also known as expedited arbitration, and how the world is dealing with virtual hearings.

Fast Track Procedures and Virtual Protocols

Pragma International Pragma International from  WR Immigration  on 
Modern life and commerce transactions need fast resolutions for their disputes, and the pandemic situation needs virtual hearings. The conference addresses fast-track arbitration, also known as expedited arbitration, and how the world is dealing with virtual hearings.

Fast Track Procedures and Virtual Protocols

Pragma International Pragma International from  Algebra Private Limited  on 
Modern life and commerce transactions need fast resolutions for their disputes, and the pandemic situation needs virtual hearings. The conference addresses fast-track arbitration, also known as expedited arbitration, and how the world is dealing with virtual hearings.

Evolving Private Company M&A Considerations in the COVID-19 Era

Daniel R. Avery Daniel R. Avery from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
The COVID-19 has ushered in unprecedented times for our country and our global community. Certainly, the pandemic is impacting the way M&A transactions are looked at, papered, implemented, and even priced.

The Maintenance Allowance for Non-Independent Adult Children

Gianfranco Di Garbo Gianfranco Di Garbo from  Interconsulting Studio Associato  on 

It sometimes happens that jurisprudential decisions, especially those that touch social or political current affairs, are misrepresented by the press or reported by the same with excessive emphasis.

It was therefore not entirely surprising to the undersigned to read a comment on an order of Cassation, no. 19077 of 15/7 - 14/9 2020, in which it is interpreted as meaning that it cannot be said that the adult child has achieved economic independence when the child's jobs are not of a stable nature, a circumstance that would typically occur with fixed-term contracts.
