
The Amended “Snoopers’ Charter” Will Help Law Enforcement More Rapidly Identify Intelligence Insights From Vast Quantities Of Data

Alex Dittel Alex Dittel from  KHQ Lawyers  on 

UK law enforcement will get new powers regarding third party bulk personal data sets to make better use of machine learning and AI-powered investigatory techniques.

Working Holiday Agreement With Iceland

Bárbara Román Bárbara Román from  Cuevas Abogados  on 

The importance of this type of agreement is that it allows the strengthening of existing bilateral relations between the countries and, for nationals between 18 and 30 years of age, to have a closer relationship with the culture, society and language of each country.

D.C. FY25 Budget Expands CRE Revitalization Initiatives

Lawrence Ferris Lawrence Ferris from  Goulston & Storrs  on 

The 2025 budget includes the “Central Washington Activation Conversion Program Amendment Act of 2024,” a new property tax freeze to help further commercial real estate initiatives in the City core.

Family Violence And Coercive Control

Monica Blizzard Monica Blizzard from  KHQ Lawyers  on 

This year has seen an escalation in the number of women killed as a result of family violence. Whilst previously we lost on average one woman each week to family violence, recent statistics indicate this is now one woman lost every four days. 

Karin Law: Regulations On Internal Investigation Procedures Was Published

Felipe González Felipe González from  Cuevas Abogados  on 

On July 3, the regulations that establish guidelines for internal investigations of sexual harassment, workplace harassment or violence at work were published in the Official Gazette.

Class Actions: Is The Funding Model In Australia Inching Towards Us-Style Contingency Fees?

Yudi New Yudi New from  KHQ Lawyers  on 

Ever wondered how US plaintiffs’ lawyers make the mega bucks by comparison to their Australian counterparts? The short answer is contingency fees, namely the ability to pocket a significant percentage of any award or settlement in favour of their clients. 

Do You Have a College Student? Maintaining Decision-Making Rights During Unexpected Situations

Kerry Spindler Kerry Spindler from  Goulston & Storrs  on 

If you are a parent with children ages 18 or older, you should consider taking a few simple steps so that in the event of an emergency, you can make important decisions.

Colombia The Country Of Beauty

Carolina Vera Carolina Vera from  Vera Abogados  on 

The launching of the new brand COLOMBIA THE COUNTRY OF BEAUTY has as its fundamental aim to promote Colombian culture, foment exports and foreign investment as well as tourism nationwide.

The Compromisory Clause In International Contracts

Gustavo Cuevas Gustavo Cuevas from  Cuevas Abogados  on 

In contracts in which the parties have domiciles in different countries, it is essential to submit any disputes that arise to arbitration.

General IP Presentation

Natalia Vera Natalia Vera Matiz from  Vera Abogados  on 

A global view of the Intellectual Property industry and related topics from a legal point of view.

Corporate Tax Planning in Taiwan: Group Structures and Intercompany Transactions

Hung Ou Yang Hung Ou Yang from  Brain Trust International Law Firm  on 

Tax issues regarding related-party transactions have always been at the core of tax planning. Various tax laws in Taiwan prevent taxpayers from obtaining undue tax benefits through related-party transactions.

Emojis Are Free – How You Use Them May Carry A Price 😔

Paul Welling Paul Welling from  KHQ Lawyers  on 

The use of ’emojis’ has become common with the increased use of smartphones, smart tablets, and social media platforms. As a result, emojis have become part and parcel of the way a lot of people communicate online.

Lions and Turtles and Bearded Dragons, Oh My!

Mariana Korsunsky Mariana Korsunsky from  Goulston & Storrs  on 

In Fleming, the Massachusetts Appeals Court grappled with some scaley zoning issues arising out of personal ownership of 460 reptiles.
