The SALI Alliance Releases Second Major Version of the Legal Matter Specification Standard

This new version represents an important milestone for the industry just over two years after the issuance of the well-received LMSS 1.0. The taxonomy has expanded to almost 10,000 categories that the legal market uses to describe its services in detail, and in a way that is comparable across organizations.
The SALI Alliance Releases Second Major Version of the Legal Matter Specification Standard

This new version represents an important milestone for the industry just over two years after the issuance of the well-received LMSS 1.0. The taxonomy has expanded to almost 10,000 categories that the legal market uses to describe its services in detail, and in a way that is comparable across organizations.
The Way is Open to Recover the IAE from the State of Alarm

São Paulo Futebol Clube and Its Coaches

I have a dear friend who says he is a little frustrated that he has not married. He thinks he was unlucky in his relationships - which were not few.
Working From Home: A Little History About 25 Years Later

The Social Enterprise: A True Catdog

These days, most enterprises have a policy for corporate social responsibility. Some, called social enterprises, even exist to solve a social issue. In the Netherlands, these social enterprises do not have their own legal form. This paper discusses the necessity for legislation.
This article is only available in Dutch
Financing In The Era Of Covid

Financing In The Era Of Covid

Financing In The Era Of Covid

Financing In The Era Of Covid

Financing In The Era Of Covid

Financing In The Era Of Covid

Financing In The Era Of Covid