
The Formalities and Different Ways of Investing in France

Vincent Gautier Vincent Gautier from  Jean-Claude Coulon & Associés  on 
Investments in France do not require any autorisation and the formalities for setting up businesses have been simplified.

Singapore: Overview on Fiscal Budget for FY2018

Guido Tomatis Guido Tomatis from  Algebra Private Limited  on 
Singapore Government has introduced a new round of changes for tax rebates and incentives with the Budget Statement for the year of assessment 2018, forecasting in the meanwhile a gradually reduction for the next future.

On Retaildential Densification: Unpacking the Jargon and Trends of Adding Residential Uses to Shopping Centers

David A Lewis David A. Lewis from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
Retail follows rooftops. Few real estate adages are more axiomatic. Increasingly, however, the reverse is becoming true, and rooftops, or residential uses, are cozying up to retail.

Business Opportunities in Israel

Adam Yadid Adam Yadid from  Yadid Law  on 
In order for one to be able to understand how to identify business opportunities in Israel, some background of this nation could be of help. Research and Development  is one of the largest in the world.

Pragma Business Congress in Boston (USA): Join Us to Develop Your Business in the States, Meet Industry Leaders and Professionals and Share Knowledge and Insights

Gilberto Gelosa Gilberto Gelosa from  Interconsulting Studio Associato  on 
This year's annual conference of Pragma, the international network of leading independent law and consultancy firms in over 20 countries, will be held in Boston, the world-renowned center for biotech, education, healthcare and high tech.