
Four Ways for Leases to Keep Up with Innovative Retail

Matthew E. Epstein Matthew E. Epstein from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
Industry experts seem to agree that while traditional retailers may be on the decline, innovative stores that focus on “experiential retail” will continue to thrive.

Bag Bans: The War on Plastic Bags

Andrew J. Ferren Andrew J. Ferren from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
Just weeks ago, New York made headlines as the second state to ban single-use plastic bags. The New York bag ban, which will take effect on March 1, 2020, is similar to California’s.

Obligation to Appoint the Control Body: New Limits

Maria de Rosis Maria de Rosis from  Interconsulting Studio Associato  on 
On February 2019 the new Code of business and insolvency crisis was published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale, implementing the reform of bankruptcy proceedings.

Mr Modi’s Last Five Years in Office in India and How to Plan for the Future

Mandeep Johal Mandeep Johal from  Manubens Abogados  on 
India gets ready to vote in the world's largest democratic exercise, commencing last week, from 11 April to 19 May. The number of voters is bigger than the population of Europe and Australia combined.

Is It Profitable to Be a Socially Responsible Company?

Aline Arbesú Aline Arbesú from  Alvarez Valenzuela Abogados  on 
The phrase "Clients do not come first. The employees come first. If you take care of them, they will take care of your customers", is the purest example of what a socially responsible company should reflect.

Is the EU Being Put at Risk by Its Member States?

Mandeep Johal Mandeep Johal from  Manubens Abogados  on 
The European Commission published a Report that highlights the serious risk for Member States and the Union posed by the growing trend in investor citizenship, in exchange for financial investment.

Holding and Managing Investments From the Netherlands

Hans Kruijs Hans de Kruijs from  Bos van der Burg Advocaten  on 
The Netherlands has been tried and tested as an internationally accepted and widely used jurisdiction to establish investment holding platforms.

‘Tis Always the Season for a Pop-up

Matthew E. Epstein Matthew E. Epstein from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
With Tax Day just around the corner, there is a good chance that you find yourself (along with millions of other Americans) scrambling to get your taxes filed at the last minute.

Intrusion or Tool: Consumer Data’s Increasing Role in Retail

Casey Milianta Casey Milianta from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
It’s no secret that retailers have access to more information about their target consumers than ever before. Customers, on the other hand, are increasingly concerned about information about them.

Update: Tip Pooling by Restaurant Owners is Guided by Tip Income Protection Act of 2018

Timothy Watkins Timothy H. Watkins from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
When we last looked at tip pooling at restaurants and who would be permitted to be included, the laws and regulations were in flux.  Since then, the Tip Income Protection Act of 2018 was signed into law.

Unfair Commercial Practices: A New Directive

Nuno Pereira Lopes Nuno Pereira Lopes from  Caria Mendes Advogados  on 
The main objective of this new Directive is to combat the imbalances in the bargaining power between suppliers and buyers of agricultural and food products.

How Crucial Is Nowadays the Role of Risk and Compliance Officers?

Maria Evangelou Maria Evangelou from  The Corpro  on 
It is a fact that global sanction lists are continuously increased, affecting thus the rules for co-operation with some states that are now considered to be of high risk.

Amendments To The Cyprus Investment Program

Maria Evangelou Maria Evangelou from  The Corpro  on 
Cyprus Cabinet approved a series of changes to the Cyprus Investment Program, based on which, non–Cypriot entrepreneurs/ investors and members of their families may submit applications for partaking in the Program.