
Retailers Grow Successfully by Introducing New Brands

James A. Shipe James A. Shipe from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
As fashion retailers across the country jostle for market share in an ever-changing and ever-competitive marketplace, some retailers are trying to improve their bottom lines.

Forging a Legal Firewall: Recent Decisions May Shield Retailers from ADA-Based Website Inaccessibility Claims

Jennifer Furey Jennifer Furey from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
Where websites and mobile applications serve as extensions of brick-and-mortar stores, some courts have held that retailers are responsible for accommodating disabled consumers on their online platforms.

Boutique Retail Hotels: Introducing The New Meaning Of “In Room” Shopping

Melissa Rivers Melissa Rivers from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
In this ever changing world, retailers are continuing to invent new ways to highlight their products, provide customers with an interactive experience and to stay competitive.

Class Action Lawsuits on the Rise under New Jersey’s Consumer Protection Laws – Which Retailers Will Be Targeted Next?

Thuy-Dien Bui Thuy-Dien Bui from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
Does your retail business conduct sales online? For most retailers today, the answer is likely yes. This means that the recent surge of class action lawsuits against merchants merits your attention.

The Liability of the Directors of Government-held Companies Under Italian Law

Marco Catalano Marco Catalano from  Studio Irrera  on 
The jurisdiction over liability actions of directors of Government-held Companies was one of the most debated in Italy, being not clear if they are subject to the ordinary or to the Court of auditors jurisdiction.