Marco Catalano

Associate at Studio Irrera

Torino, Torino - Italy

Areas of Law


Collaborates with the Chair of Civil Procedure at the University of Turin, and has written articles, legal case notes and commentaries, predominantly regarding the sector of Arbitration Law.

He is a member of the editing staff of “NDS - Il Nuovo Diritto delle Società”.

• Marco Sergio Catalano was born in Turin in 1980;
• Graduated in Law at the University of Turin in 2005 with a thesis on Civil Procedure;
• Admitted to the Turin Bar since 2009;

He is currently concluding his Ph.D. in Civil Procedure at the University of Milan.

Main Publications
• CATALANO, NELA, Sub art. 808 c.p.c., in Le recenti riforme del processo civile, a cura di Chiarloni, Bologna-Roma 2007, II, 1614-1624;
• CATALANO, NELA, Sub art. 819 c.p.c., in Le recenti riforme del processo civile, a cura di Chiarloni, Bologna-Roma 2007, II, 1785-1799;
• CATALANO, IRRERA, I limiti soggettivi ed oggettivi della clausola compromissoria statutaria, in Nuovo Dir. Società, 21-22/2008, 11-28 and 11-32.