The Legal Game: Who Controls And How?
The world is constantly changing, and the legal environment is no exception. Laws can be enforced, circumvented or even shaped - but who draws the lines? Our office manager, Árpád Vásárhelyi's studies shed light on the complex relationship between law and power. If you really want to understand how the system works behind the scenes, you should read these articles.
1. Law and power - Who dictates to whom?
In European legal systems, the battle is becoming increasingly fierce: how far does national sovereignty extend and where does the jurisdiction of EU law begin? Constitutional identity is not just a theoretical debate - it is about who has the final say over the rules. Vásárhelyi's analysis dissects the conflicts between the EU and the Member States, showing how hidden power relations drive the world of law.
2. Secrets behind the scenes of supply chains - Who controls the market?
Logistics is not just about transport. Whoever controls the movement of goods controls the economy. But who is behind it? In his study, Vásárhelyi examines the power relations in modern logistics systems: how global players shape the market and manipulate supply chains.
3. Digital takeover - The rule of machines over law
Digitalisation makes systems not only more convenient but also more predictable - at least for those who control them. Data management and automation is no longer just a question of efficiency, but also a power play. Who benefits? And who is left behind? Vásárhelyi's study shows that technology is increasingly dictating the terms in the world of law.
4. Social movements: true revolution or controlled rebellion?
The impact of civil society organisations and social movements is unquestionable - but are they really operating freely? Vásárhelyi examines how and why states try to regulate, influence or even prevent social initiatives. Where is the line between civic consciousness and the interests of the state?
For those who want to understand how power works in the world of law, these studies are worth a read. The rules of the game are not always clear, but those who know them have an advantage.