On Retaildential Densification: Unpacking the Jargon and Trends of Adding Residential Uses to Shopping Centers
David A. Lewis from Goulston & Storrs on
Retail follows rooftops. Few real estate adages are more axiomatic. Increasingly, however, the reverse is becoming true, and rooftops, or residential uses, are cozying up to retail.
Business Opportunities in Israel
Adam Yadid from Yadid Law on
In order for one to be able to understand how to identify business opportunities in Israel, some background of this nation could be of help. Research and Development is one of the largest in the world.
Pragma Business Congress in Boston (USA): Join Us to Develop Your Business in the States, Meet Industry Leaders and Professionals and Share Knowledge and Insights
Gilberto Gelosa from Interconsulting Studio Associato on
This year's annual conference of Pragma, the international network of leading independent law and consultancy firms in over 20 countries, will be held in Boston, the world-renowned center for biotech, education, healthcare and high tech.
Leveraged Returns: How Big Box Retailers are Using In-Store Fulfilment Centers to Bring Consumers Back to Brick-and-Mortar
Zachary Mykulak from Goulston & Storrs on
e-commerce has forced traditional brick-and-mortar retailers to rethink their operations in order to remain competitive. For some, this means developing websites and mobile apps to entice consumers with an omnichannel shopping experience.
The Lawyer Acting as Corporate Attorney-in-fact
Guilherme Setoguti from monteiro de castro, setoguti advogados on
Appointing a lawyer to act as attorney-in-fact for the company’s routine affairs is commonplace in the corporate environment. And this is all the more true for companies held by foreign-based equity partners
A Changed World: The Supreme Court Permits State and Local Taxation of Online Sales by Retailers with No State Presence
Meghan Hottel-Cox from Goulston & Storrs on
With the growing and evolving retail world, one thing had remained constant: retailers did not have to collect sales tax for online sales to states in which they had no physical presence.
The next step after Fintech: Legaltech
Aline Arbesú from Alvarez Valenzuela Abogados on
In the same way that Fintech is defined, Legaltech supposes a disruption in the understanding we have of technology up to now and its relationship with Law.
R&D Tax Bonus: Even for Branch of Non Resident Companies
Federico Rossi from Studio Rossi-Gerosa Commercialisti Associati on
Italian legislation grants, since 2015 and till 31th December 2020, a tax bonus to the resident companies for the investment in research and development (R&D).
“We’ve Updated Our Privacy Policy”: How the EU’s New Data Protection Law is Changing Data Policy Considerations for American Retailers
Karin K. Rivard from Goulston & Storrs on
If you have ever made an online purchase, chances are that you have received at least one email in the last month notifying you that a company’s privacy policy has changed. These emails are part of efforts to comply with the GDPR.
The dissafection and sale of the porter's lodge in buildings divided into horizontal property
Eduardo García from Manubens Abogados on
The appearance of technological innovations such as electronic doormen, video door phones, etc. they have led many Homeowners' Associations to consider the possibility of selling homes initially intended to be the residence of the building's doorman.
A World of Trademarks at INTA 2018 Annual Meeting in Seattle
Andrew O'Connor from Goulston & Storrs on
The INTA 2018 Annual Meeting attracted an incredibly diverse group of brand owners, in-house counsel, outside counsel, government officials, academics and other intellectual property professionals from over 150 countries.
Navigating Rising Waters: The Public Waterfront Act
Matthew Kiefer from Goulston & Storrs on
Chapter 91 is a comprehensive licensing program, administered by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (“DEP”), to ensure that proposed waterfront development projects meet public benefit standards
News on 2017 Annual Accounts: the Obligation to Include Information on the Beneficial Owner of the Company
Salvador Balcells i Iranzo from Manubens Abogados on
The annual accounts for the year 2017, 2015 intended to prevent the use of the financial system for money laundering or financing of terrorism.
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