
Customer Protection and Empowerment: New Amendments to the Consumer Law

Felipe González Felipe González from  Cuevas Abogados  on 
The strengthening of consumer rights makes it strongly advisable for companies to review their contracts, terms and conditions, websites, among others, in order to comply with the new regulations

SAF - Brief Comments on Normative Instruction 112/22, of the National Department of Business Registration and Integration

Rodrigo Monteiro de Castro Rodrigo Monteiro de Castro from  monteiro de castro, setoguti advogados  on 
The DREI is responsible for, among other matters, establishing and consolidating general rules and guidelines for the public registry of commercial companies and related activities.

Lecco and Its Territory: A Glimpse of the Future

Maria Venturini Maria Venturini from  Studio Colombo Commercialisti Associati  on 
Lecco not only thinks about the future, but tries to shape it, through young people, culture, businesses, entrepreneurs, associations, science, technology and innovation.

SAF and Recent Infralegal and Regulatory Acts

Rodrigo Monteiro de Castro Rodrigo Monteiro de Castro from  monteiro de castro, setoguti advogados  on 

In 1992, Telê Santana participated in TV Cultura's Roda Viva program in a strong defense of the transition from the associative model to the business model, in the scope and management of Brazilian football.

Italy Introduces The Quick Fixes VAT Directive

Gabriella Gerosa Gabriella Gerosa from  Studio Colombo Commercialisti Associati  on 
Italy has introduced Directive 2018/1910/EU so-called “Quick Fixes”, which amended Directive 2006/112/EU on the harmonization and simplification of certain rules in the system of value added tax for the taxation of trade between EU Member States.