Fast Track Procedures and Virtual Protocols

Fast Track Procedures and Virtual Protocols

Fast Track Procedures and Virtual Protocols

Fast Track Procedures and Virtual Protocols

Fast Track Procedures and Virtual Protocols

Fast Track Procedures and Virtual Protocols

Fast Track Procedures and Virtual Protocols

Fast Track Procedures and Virtual Protocols

Value Creation For Companies By Lawyers

Development Of The Law And Its Significance For Companies

We observe a trend to extensive (over-)regulation of corporate activity, increased application and enforcement of legal provisions as well as fines for compliance violations, some of which threaten the very existence of companies. As a result of these trends, legal issues are becoming a key concern for the management of companies. Due to the ever-increasing regulatory reach, companies and their management are confronted with a creeping juridification of business decisions, organisation and processes. The associated problems for companies are multifaceted and complex.
One country, different quarantines, and a request for habeas corpus

The authorities responsible for the region of Azores, a Portuguese archipelago, imposed a mandatory quarantine of 14 days on arrival in the region, unlike the rest of the country where there is no mandatory quarantine. This region has been spared in this pandemic, with a very small number of cases - only 179 cases since the beginning of the pandemic, 144 recovered and 16 dead.
Legislative Amendment to the Portuguese Nationality Law

A working group of the Portuguese Socialist Party (PS) decided to draft a legislative amendment to the Portuguese Nationality Law. This will be done by adding a requirement for a mandatory legal residence in Portugal for a period of 2 years for all descendants of Portuguese Sephardic Jews.
Unfortunately, Not Everyone Is Honest...