What Should You Do When You Are Accused of Sexual Harassment in Taiwan?

UK Critical Skills

The UK is calling out for South Africans. Now is the time to enquire. Should you have any thoughts of perhaps venturing into the UK please do not hesitate to give us a call so we can advise you on the best way to relocate to the UK and/or invest.
Marriage Under South African Law

Three types of marriages are recognized under South African law. The solemnization and registration of these marriages are managed by the Department of Home Affairs. They may be same sex marriages.
The Hereditary Succession in Europe: How to Determine the Governing Law

In this essay we will briefly focus on the issues to be faced when an EU citizen lives in a country other than the one of which he/she is a citizen and wants to dispose of his assets after his death.
Returning Child Administrator Becomes Co-Tenant

In 2012, the mother was 80 years old when her then 57-year-old son moves in with her. In 2017, the son is appointed as administrator and mentor of his mother with dementia. Six months later, he requests the housing association to designate him as a co-tenant.
Avoiding Coronavirus Discrimination Claims in Retail and Hospitality

The Holding Company as a Model to Organize the Family Business Assets in a Tax Efficient Way