Italy Introduced Mandatory e-invoicing from January 1st, 2019. Are You Ready?

Italian Parliament approved the compulsory introduction, with some exemptions, of the electronic business-to-business (B2B) invoicing, effective from January 1st, 2019.
Digitized Law Firm: It Is Not LegalTech but It Makes Working Much Easier

The last three decades have introduced many changes to the world of law practice. The majority of changes introduced a completely new realm of tools available to law firms for improving their work.
Harmful Instructions to Corporation Issued by the General Board of Members

Injurious Instructions to the corporation issued by the General Shareholders' Meeting or by the parent of the Group may be responsible for the personal liability of the administrators who execute them and of the parent / majority partner / sole shareholder.
Where Does Pilots Resident in Italy Should Pay Taxes?

Many pilots moved to Italy with their family or started to work for foreign airlines established abroad. One of the most important questions they put is “where do I have to pay my taxes?”
New Rules for Transfer Pricing Tax Audit

The Italian Government reviewed the rules on TP and provided that in cases of a TP adjustment made abroad by a foreign country, the Italian company involved in the audited transactions can ask to the Italian Tax Authorities to reduce its taxable income.
The Commitment Clause

The arbitration clause is one that is contained in a contract and that submits disputes that arise after the conclusion of the agreement to the knowledge of an arbitrator.
Admission and Residence Conditions for Foreigners In France

France has set up a legislation framework for international mobility. These rules apply to all foreigners, except EU, EEA and Swiss nationals. These latter are free to travel and work in France without a visa, residence permit or work permit.
Pragma Business Congress in Boston (USA): Join Us to Develop Your Business in the States, Meet Industry Leaders and Professionals and Share Knowledge and Insights

This year's annual conference of Pragma, the international network of leading independent law and consultancy firms in over 20 countries, will be held in Boston, the world-renowned center for biotech, education, healthcare and high tech.
The Lawyer Acting as Corporate Attorney-in-fact

Appointing a lawyer to act as attorney-in-fact for the company’s routine affairs is commonplace in the corporate environment. And this is all the more true for companies held by foreign-based equity partners
The next step after Fintech: Legaltech

In the same way that Fintech is defined, Legaltech supposes a disruption in the understanding we have of technology up to now and its relationship with Law.
A World of Trademarks at INTA 2018 Annual Meeting in Seattle

The INTA 2018 Annual Meeting attracted an incredibly diverse group of brand owners, in-house counsel, outside counsel, government officials, academics and other intellectual property professionals from over 150 countries.
How Italian Tax Resident Can Reclaim Swiss Withholding Tax on Swiss Dividends

Many tax payers, resident in Italy, noted that the Swiss banks, where their money was invested, applied the Swiss anticipatory tax (Imposta preventiva svizzera) equal to 35% on dividends.
Chairman Letter

When a chairman starts his role, I think he should firstly express two feelings: memory and gratitude. Memory for the previous experiences he made before being in charge and gratitude for the trust other people are committing to him. So if I may I will share such feelings with you.
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