Seminar "Succession Planning Contemplated in Switzerland for Residents in Italy, 2.0 Voluntary Disclosure and Fiscal Monitoring"
Legal Area: Labor and Employment Law
The seminar is open to residents in Italy, who would like to know the aspects relating to the succession of goods in Switzerland; considering the significant fiscal impact and monitoring, it is therefore necessary to know the different relevant laws for a better planning of the most appropriate choices.
In this context will be considered also the “Voluntary Disclosure 2.0”, procedure that allows residents in Italy who have financial assets and assets abroad, also inherited, unknown to the Italian tax authorities, to rectify its position.
- Dott. Gilberto Gelosa (Founding Partner and Council Member ‘Consiglio Nazionale Dottori Commercialisti’)
- Avv. Massimiliano Desalvi (Law Partner)
- Dott. Stefano Lecchi(Tax Partner)
For further information and accreditation until March 24th, please contact us