
To Stay Or Not To Stay @Home

Filipe Consciência Filipe Consciência from  Caria Mendes Advogados  on 
This is the question made by several Portuguese in these crazy times. But the truth is that if we don't leave our houses, afraid of dying, we will surely die of hunger, because the economic consequences are already being felt and we still don't know what will truly happen.

Covid-19: Dividends and Share Buybacks: Liability Commitment for Large Companies with Liquidity Support Measures

Vincent Gautier Vincent Gautier from  Jean-Claude Coulon & Associés  on 
In view of the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic and the economic difficulties caused by the quarantine, the French government has adopted several measures to support businesses.

Unfortunately, Not Everyone Is Honest...

Filipe Consciência Filipe Consciência from  Caria Mendes Advogados  on 
In times of crisis, like the one we are currently experiencing, it seems that there are people who gain the ability to have more imagination. And the biggest problem is that this extra imagination ends up harming everyone but the author of the idea.

Doing Deals In the COVID-19 Era: Renegotiating Price and Other Changes Before Closing

Derek Domian Derek Domian from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
Prior to the full and crippling outbreak of the Coronavirus in the United States, a number of companies entered into preliminary agreements to buy or sell assets, including real estate, intellectual property, stock, and subsidiaries or affiliates. 

Should We Maintain Investments Despite COVID-19?

Filipe Consciência Filipe Consciência from  Caria Mendes Advogados  on 
After 500 years of the Discoveries, the situation was reversed and it was Portugal that was discovered. In recent years, multiple international tourism awards have established Portugal as one of the best tourist destinations in the world.

Is the Price of a Law Firm a Good Indicator for Hire Them, or Must We Look for Other Signs?

Filipe Consciência Filipe Consciência from  Caria Mendes Advogados  on 
Every week, I receive requests for fee information, mostly through an email template, sent simultaneously to me and dozens of other offices. Seems like a comparative analysis of market prices, where the winner will be the cheapest.

Media Coverage Virus

Filipe Consciência Filipe Consciência from  Caria Mendes Advogados  on 
How can an occasional virus, with a mortality lower than the common flu, that affects the world population every year, can stop the biggest world economies, devalue currencies, ruin international business and celebrations, cancel world conferences and, still, reduce by 25% the pollution?

Unconscious Bias in the Retail World

Meghan Hottel-Cox Meghan Hottel-Cox from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
Unconscious biases are thoughts and actions formed by our brains creating shortcuts to process the countless pieces of information we encounter daily and are informed by media, news, societal norms, and our experience. Our biases may not even be self-serving.

Augmented Retail: The Use of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality to Enhance the Customer Shopping Experience

Jennifer Logan Jennifer Logan from  Goulston & Storrs  on 
As competition between brick-and-mortar stores and online shopping continues, retailers with physical stores are using cutting edge technologies to offer unique shopping experiences and added service to consumers. 

Business Opportunities in Israel

Adam Yadid Adam Yadid from  Yadid Law  on 
In order for one to be able to understand how to identify business opportunities in Israel, some background of this nation could be of help. Research and Development  is one of the largest in the world.

Pragma Business Congress in Boston (USA): Join Us to Develop Your Business in the States, Meet Industry Leaders and Professionals and Share Knowledge and Insights

Gilberto Gelosa Gilberto Gelosa from  Interconsulting Studio Associato  on 
This year's annual conference of Pragma, the international network of leading independent law and consultancy firms in over 20 countries, will be held in Boston, the world-renowned center for biotech, education, healthcare and high tech.

Fintech in Mexico: Growing Investment Opportunity

Aline Arbesú Aline Arbesú from  Alvarez Valenzuela Abogados  on 
Financial technology gives rise to numerous business opportunities and is currently positioned as one of the most useful tools in the financial market.